
Launch: Nordic business briefs on dilemmas in science-based climate action

Webinar Series & Business Brief Launches

Af UN Global Compact Network Denmark
01.03.2024, kl. 09.00

Dilemmas in science-based climate action

Join our webinars launching a series of short briefs exploring the key dilemmas, challenges, and solutions faced by leading Nordic companies as they work towards achieving their science-based climate targets.

In late 2023, the Nordic UN Global Compact networks (DenmarkFinlandNorway, and Sweden), in collaboration with Rambøll Management Consulting, convened a series of peer learning groups for leading Nordic companies to share dilemmas, challenges, and solutions as they work towards their science-based targets and net zero.

Now we are proud to launch a series of short briefs designed for sustainability officers, decision-makers, and strategists in forward-thinking companies. 

This series of briefs, pulling together subject matter expertise and company insights, summarise the challenges and offer practical recommendations for science-based climate action in relation to:

  1. The Product Durability and Lifetime Emissions Dilemma
  2. Supplier Engagement to Cut Emissions and Increase Adoption of Greener Materials
  3. Science-based targets for Forest, Land and Agriculture (FLAG) sectors

Read more about each webinar below.

This project was made possible with funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers


Webinar 1

The Product Durability and Lifetime Emissions Dilemma

April 9th, 9:00 – 10:00 CET // 10:00 – 11:00 EET

As part of the European Green Deal, the EU Commission is inciting companies within the Union to produce more durable and longer-lasting products with a focus on circularity. While this is a positive development, it highlights an inherent dilemma within companies producing energy-consuming products that have set ambitious climate targets.

Companies that work to increase the durability of their energy-consuming products will likely see an increase in scope three emissions due to increased use-phase emissions (GHG Protocol, category 11), making it more difficult to reach ambitious climate targets and demonstrate climate action.

In this webinar, we will outline this dilemma and how it manifests itself as concrete challenges for companies. We will also dive into possible solutions, such as the potential for industry standards, novel business models, circular design, and climate action demonstrated outside of the GHG Protocol (such as avoided emissions). We will also present direct inputs to the revision of the GHG Protocol.


  • Fanney Frisbæk, Head of Department, Strategic Sustainability Consulting Norway, Rambøll Management Consulting
  • Janus Kirkeby, Head of Department, Waste & Resource Management, Rambøll
  • Sophie Sfez, Senior Sustainability Specialist, Nilfisk

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Webinar 2

Supplier Engagement to Cut Emissions and Increase Adoption of Greener Materials

April 10th, 9:00 – 10:30 CET // 10:00 – 11:30 EET

Companies that provide physical products typically exist within a long and complex value chain, with a large portion of their GHG emissions originating from their supply chain. Yet managing supply chain emissions presents an ominous challenge that calls for deliberate supplier engagement efforts. But how can suppliers be effectively engaged to reduce these emissions?

In this webinar, we will cover how supplier engagement can be applied to cut overall GHG emissions, as well as to increase the adoption of greener materials. Leading companies with complex supply chains will also share how they work with supplier engagement to reduce GHG emissions and implement greener materials into their products. We will also introduce the brief Supplier Engagement to Cut Emissions and Increase Adoption of Greener Materials [link], which covers related key challenges and suggested solutions.


  • Fanney Frisbæk, Head of Department, Strategic Sustainability Consulting Norway, Rambøll Management Consulting

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Webinar 3

Science-Based Targets for Forest, Land and Agriculture (FLAG) sectors

April 11th, 9:00 – 10:00 CET // 10:00 – 11:00 EET

The forest, land and agriculture (FLAG) sectors play a crucial role in addressing climate change. Many companies will soon be expected to set targets for their emissions associated with FLAG activities. However, target setting and carbon accounting methods for FLAG sectors are still in the early stages of development, and tracking emissions in FLAG sectors is complex.

In this webinar, we aim to navigate these complexities and uncertainties, providing an introduction to the challenges around setting FLAG targets and some recommendations for those companies just starting on the journey. As we step through the main sections of the Introductory Briefing, we will:

  • Introduce key aspects of the Science Based Targets initiative’s FLAG target-setting framework, including relevance, eligibility, and methods.
  • Discuss key challenges and provide recommendations on the following: Carbon accounting, target setting, data collection and emissions factors, value chain engagement


  • Shane Hughes, Director of Corporate Net Zero Services, Rambøll Management Consulting
  • Lars Lundahl, Environmental Manager, Orkla

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